Seamless integration
We can sync effortlessly with your favourite ecommerce platform, find out more below.

Two way integrations
Via the Zappy system, you can now send your store, website or Trademe orders etc to multiple international and domestic courier companies such as New Zealand Post, EMS, TNT Express, Posthaste, Castle Parcels, NOW Couriers & Pace Couriers etc. You can get courier prices from these companies, print their courier tickets, book pickups, track and trace parcels and order their stationery within the Zappy App.
Need a bit more info?
Just click on the Get Started button. It's quick and easy, for you, it would only take a few minutes, and we can usually set up an account the same day.
Learn more by visiting our About Us page. If you would like a representative to call, let us know what time during business hours suits you best. If you would like an indicative idea of how much it will cost you to use Zappy, talk to us either on, 0800 729 767 or 09 280 6213 or visit our Contact Us page.
All our plans have the same full features, there's no setup fee, no monthly fee, you only pay for what you ship, there's no minimum courier spend required, the only difference between the plans is the payment method. If you are a new businesses, you may want to set up a Pay As You Go plan as there's no credit check required, you just pay when you ship using a credit card. No credit card? No problem, you can choose the Pre-paid plan, again, no credit check is required, this plan suits regular shippers, you will get discount on your shipments by pre-paying for them. If you are a more established business, ships regularly, and want to pay at the end of the month for better cashflow, you can apply for the On Account, you will also get volume discount on shipments depending on your volume.
Yes, there's no setup fee, no monthly fee, there's no minimum courier spend required, you only pay for what you ship, we are upfront with our charges.
You can order once you logged in. You can order courier bags, boxes, sticky labels, label printers, packing tapes and packaging materials and much more, and we will ship them out to you.